Vernon Hill, Music Producer/Songwriter presents a studio EP entitled Unshaken. Unshaken is an inspirational, soul-stirring worship experience, a Christian Contemporary Worship EP composed of a compilation of original songs that manifests a persuaded steadfast worshippers’ heart that craves more of God’s presence. As a Producer/Songwriter, Vernon Hill motivation was encouraged by Psalms 16: 8-9 “I have set the Lord always before me; considering that the Lord is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; my flesh also will rest in hope.” (KJV)
Vernon Hill traveled back to his college township to record those worship sessions with the voices of The Sound of Worship under the direction of LaVarn Gordon. There, in the presence of God, they experienced God’s clarity in the most powerful way. Those worship-recording sessions delivered songs of adoration which renewed their strength and produced a more passionate desire to serve The Lord, even the more whole heartedly. In that place of worship they glorified God for His goodness and His mercy towards them.
This 4-song EP, a gospel blend of Christian Contemporary Praise & Worship, echoes a message of urgency for Him, and a continual need for Him. Vernon Hill cultivates an atmosphere of corporate worship provoking listeners to join in and proclaim faith and to have a resolved passion to serve God with unwavering hope.
"Heart & Soul" and "Unshaken" made Billboard Christian Soft AC Most Radio Added Chart
Over 25,000 YouTube streams of "Heart & Soul" lyric video